Thursday 13 January 2011

Questionnaire Research - Where/How Often/Types of Horror Films Watched

In this Pie chart I have noticed that most people watch Horror films Once a Month, and also 6 people watch them 'Other' which could mean they watch them more than once a month, but not quite once a week, or they could watch them as and when they come out into the cinema, as it is not very often. This tells me that we will need to capture our audience withing the first 10 seconds or so, so that they want to watch the main film.

The majority of people in this question watch their Horror films at home, this could be after they've watched the film at the cinema or they've seen the trailer for a film and then gone out to buy it. I think watching the film in a cinema gives a more emersive experience as the screen is much bigger than what you watch on a TV at home, and there is a massive surround sound system as well making you feel as if you are a part of the film.
But, however, if you watch a film at home you have the versatility of being able to pause and stop the DVD, also you can rewind it if you miss something important, which you don't have in the cinema. Also, once you have bought the DVD once you don't need to buy it again to watch the film another time, whereas if you went to the cinema to see the film again you would have to pay to go to the cinema again to get the ultimate viewing experience. You can also watch it as a family at home, as it is usually cheaper to buy the DVD and watch at home instead of going to the cinema and watching it. Also at home there are no interruptions and no-ones phones will go off as well, therefore you have a pleasant viewing experience and not a bad one.

The majority of our participants like Psychological Horror films, I think this is because most films nowadays have some sort of psychological concept to them as in some films such as Paranormal Activity mess with your mind and you seem to think that wherever you look there might be someone there. If I had asked the same question 15 years ago when Scream came out I expect the answers would be very different, that Slasher films would be more prominent in the results than any other films. Likewise if I had asked the same question in 2004 then Gore would probably be the most popular answer, as that is when Saw came out.

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