Tuesday 18 January 2011

Intertitles Practice

Today I have practiced making Intertitles. An Intertitle is a scene of text in between perhaps two scenes of action. I am using Windows Movie Maker as on this computer I do not have access to Adobe Premier Elements. I went onto a website called http://www.metacafe.com/ where I could view trailers. I then decided to print screen the titles so I could have them on my video. Once I had gathered enough information about Horror intertitles I attempted to make my own.
I used the red colour from the Nightmare on Elm street, as I thought it was the most effective and because it was red it connoted the thought of blood and the thought of being angry and perhaps revenge?
I have decided to use three different effects for my intertitles as I think these were the best effects to use as they are probably the most commonly used in teaser trailers.

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