Tuesday 15 March 2011

Film Poster Research - Faraway Shots

In this post I will analyse more film posters, the theme in these posters are that the shots are further away and they show more than just a face or a mask.

In this film poster, from the film the Unborn you can see the woman looking into the mirror and you can see her reflection, and also another reflection of a little boy, however he is not in the shot, looking into the mirror as well. It says on the left hand side that 'Evil will do anything to live' you can probably guess that the little boy in the mirror is evil and is there to cause her some discomfort. He doesn't look like a proper little boy, but he looks more like a ghostly image, which could say that the boy isn't actually alive, agreeing with the title 'The Unborn'. I think having the text at the bottom of the shot is quite effective as your eyes aren't drawn to the text immediately but you still look at the text. I think in our film poster we will probably have the text at the bottom so that the audience are not immediately attracted to the text but the actual shot of the poster.

I think that this poster is quite scary, as your attention is first drawn to the women standing in her kitchen area, and then your attention is drawn to the person behind her in the darkness of the corner of the room, with a mask on. It looks like he is staring at her, however, you can't see if he is carrying anything in his hand but he looks as if he is going to cause some harm to the lady. Again, as the poster before this the title of the film is at the bottom, which again draws the attention down. Underneath that it says it is based on true events, this would personally frighten me as when you watch a scary film you can tell yourself it's not real but with this film you cannot tell yourself that! What I like about this poster is that the woman looks as if she is just a normal woman and that she hasn't done anything wrong and there is someone after her.

In this film poster your eyes are drawn towards the figure in the middle of the poster, again you cannot see his eyes but you can see his hands and it looks like he is rubbing them together, either he is coming up with a plan or he is rubbing them in glee, as if he has accomplished something. This Film Poster is very dark and again the writing is red, this seems to be a very popular theme among the posters. The figure in the middle of the poster looks burnt, or has been burned previously, so I think this will play a big part in the film. A difference from this poster to the others is that this has the release date at the bottom whereas the others don't.

From these posters I think that having the Title of the film at the bottom of the poster is a good idea as the majority of all horror posters I have come across have the title at the bottom. And that we should incorporate Red and Black into our poster.

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