Wednesday 16 March 2011

Film Magazine Front Cover Research - Empire Magazine

Here I have collected a few front covers of the Empire magazine. I think this would be a good magazine to analyse as it is one of the most well known media magazines. However, there are not many front covers in which there is a horror film on the front cover so I don't think it would be a good idea to use this as a basis for our Film Magazine front cover. We were told yesterday that we could produce our own film magazine so I think we are planning on something with the title Horror Film or Horror Review. I think we should keep the theme running throughout the Film Poster and the Film Magazine front cover, as this keeps the theme running of the Killer being the most important charater within our film, I think this is our Unique Selling point of our final products and hopefully if we keep this theme running then it will make our audience feel that they actually would like to see more than just the teaser trailer.

Here you can see the two different covers for The Dark Knight Film, these covers are based on the two main characters in the Dark Knight. I think this would be a good idea for our film magazine front cover as it draws the attention of the audience. Wherever you look it look as if the Joker and Batman are staring at you and it is quite unnerving. I think we should take this idea into consideration as we have a shot of the Killer where she is just staring at the into the camera, and her eyes look wild and she does look quite scary. If we don't think this shot suits the front cover of our Magazine then we can take a picture especially suited for the role. I like how the Empire title is also in the theme of the person on the cover, for example on the Jokers front cover there is an outline of Green which runs throughout the front cover, with the writing being in green and there being a green theme. As for the Batmans front cover there is a Blue theme running throughout and this shows the audience how different the two characters actually are.

Here are a few examples of some other films front covers on Empire. We have Hellboy 2, Kick Ass and The Hulk.I like the idea that Empire have changed the titles of thes of their magazine to fit in with the theme of the front cover, for what film is being advertised. As in one of these magazines it looks as if the Hulk is ripping through the magazine, as the P has been split into two. The Hellboys front cover is on fire thus enforcing the connotations of fear and hell into the title as this is what the film is about. Kick Ass is a fighting film. about an ordinary boy who decides that anyone can become a superhero, he however gets beaten up a lot on his way to accomplish his goal, this is why on the front cover he is bloody and Empire have changed their title to fit in with this, as it looks like someone has blood splattered the word 'Empire' onto the wall behind Dave. I think these are good ideas to consider when we are creating our own film poster. With the technology available to us I think we should be able to create a title which looks effective, as this is one of the things which is important when attracting an audience.

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