Tuesday 15 March 2011


Today we have started to edit our film together, we are again using Adobe Premier Elements editing software like we did last year, we have had a few technical problems with it on the school computers such as the files not saving so we had to save the file as a different version each time we wanted to save, which as you can imagine was quite irritating. But now these problems seem to be resolved and we are glad with this. Today we got all of our captured footage, and then uploaded it onto the Adobe software, as we had tried to upload it several times before we were not sure if it had actually uploaded but thankfully it had. so we had lots of copies of the files to play around with. We used different effects for the footage as we thought that the footage from involving the Killer would be in a different colour to that from Milly or Hannahs point of view. We decided on a grainy, old style of film with the lines going across the shot to give it a kind of western style, we used this effect on the shot of Milly being dragged through the mud in the woods, we also found out how to make this scene play backwards, so that Milly now goes forward, I think it looks creepier that way as you don't expect it!! We also made the scenes in which Hannah and Milly are talking in Millys bedroom darker so it looks like they are in the dark when we actually filmed the scene with the light on. We made the scenes with the Killer in them monochrome and darker as we think it looks effective and ties in with the theme of the Killers scenes being in black and white.
(add screengrabs)
Also on the scenes where Milly and Hannah are talking we have edited them to make it look like they are being filmed with a Night Vision camera, so we edited them to make them greenish and dark. We are then going to add a little red circle in the corner which is going to flash on and off and add the letters REC so it looks like the camera is actually recording.

For this image we made the footage grainy, so it looked like an old style film.

Here are the two images of Alana, The Killer, we made her monchrome as she looks very creepy.

This is a shot of Hannah - The victims best friend. We made her green so it looks like she is being filmed on a night vision camera, I thought it was very effective.

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