Tuesday 2 November 2010

Storyboard of Shots

In our media lesson today Hannah, Alana and myself decided on the shots that we were going to include in our Final Task. We have thought about trying to muddle up the narrative of the Film such as have some of the end shots first, and then the beginning and then the middle, so the film doesn't run consequently. We also had the idea of children chanting the lords prayer, so I will discuss what part of the lords prayer will be chanted in a clip.

Shot One
This the First shot you will see, this is a long shot of the killer in the film moving around in the shots, where actually the camera stays still and its one long shot, but the Killer moves around and changes their position, such as in front of the camera, and then in the background, then in the middle ground. I thought that a good place for this to take place would be a children's playground, where the Killer could sit on the swing, then on the see-saw and then in front of the camera etc. There is a park like this in Leatherhead, which is good because it is close to School, meaning we could take the cameras out in the day to get an idea of what to include in the shots. Also, in this shot there is a line of the Lords Prayer which we are going to chant over the top of it. This is 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven', this could link into our shot because the Killer is trying to kill people, so they are most likely to go to heaven, if they have been good, but if they have done something wrong then they are going to go to hell.

Shot 2
In this shot, there is a girl being dragged from her bed in her room whilst she is asleep, we thought that this shot would be effective because it also emphasises the stereotype that everything bad happens at night, in the dark. Also it shows the vulnerability of girls in horror films. When this girl is being dragged from her bed her hands are trying to scrabble to hold onto something, she is trying to save herself, but of course it doesn't work. To make this shot effective we should make sure the sounds of the girl desperately trying to grab onto something are emphasised, which will show the audience the fear that is going through her mind. Also to make this shot effective we could have a quick flash of her eye widening when she first gets dragged out of her bed.

Shot 3
In this shot there is a bonfire in the middle of a group of girls, who are a part of a clan, they are chanting around the bonfire, they are wearing masks which are a part of their costumes for the clan. The chant which they are chanting is another line of the Lords Prayer, which is 'And forgive us our trespassers because we trespass those who trespass against us.'

Shot 4
In this shot there is a table, probably at a school where the leaders of the clan are sitting, there are two girls who come up to the table and pass a message on a piece of paper, this says 'we want to join', meaning that they want to join the clan. I think it will be effective as it gives some of the film away but it still keeps the mystery of why the girls set up the clan in the first place a secret.

Shot 5
In this shot there is a girl being dragged through the mud, we are not sure, as the audience whether this is the killer or the leaders of the clan, but we can see the girl again furiously trying to grab onto something to prevent from being dragged away, we can see the fear on her face and in her eyes in this shot which i think will portray the shot beautifully. This shot will have to be filmed in the woods and probably in the dark as well to make it effective and scary for the audience to watch.

Shot 6
This is the 6th shot, this is the mid point in the teaser trailer, this is a mid shot of the leader of the clan saying to the possible girls who want to join the clan what they have to do in their initiation tasks. This shot would probably be shot either in the woods where they are doing the last initiation task or around the bonfire where there are girls chanting. I'm not too sure yet where we're going to film it.

Shot 7
This is a shot of the killer grabbing a girl by her legs as she also furiously tries to get to her feet to run away, the killer has a weapon in her hand which is presumably the murder weapon, the killer is going to murder all of the girls in the clan as her revenge. This shot will be filmed in the woods when the girls are completing their initiation tasks, like i said in the plot line, the girls think that it is just the girls who are in the clan following them around when it is actually the killer.

Shot 8
This shot, after the previous one will fade to black and it will be a text shot, where the the titles of the directors (us) come up and what other films we have made will also come up. I think that this shot should be a black screen with red writing and possibly have some blood splats on the screen as well to emphasise the brutality of this film.

Shot 9
This is a repeat of the third shot, which was of the girls chanting around the bonfire with masks on. this again then emphasises the serious matter in the film which is the girls dying, this also makes the audience a bit bewildered as to what is going on, I think we're just flashing this shot on, as it has already been seen. There is a bit of the Lords Prayer in this aswell, this is 'And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil', this statement could be linked with the fact that the clan are supporting evil within the devil and it could also be to do with the killer as obviously this is evil at its finest.

Shot 10
After the previous shot this will then fade to black and the title of the film will come up, again I think it should be red writing and a black background, As red connotes blood and the heart beating furiously.

Shot 11
This shot, is of a girl, the last one remaining in the clan who is alive being hung from a tree upside down, her eyes are open and she has a shocked expression on her face as to why she is upside down on a tree. There is a trickle of blood in this shot which runs down from her neck to her forehead and then drips off, this is the final shot you see of people in the trailer, and I think that this will be effective because it again shows the brutality of the film and it gives an insight into what could've happened to the other girls who are already dead. In this shot we will need to find a sturdy tree in which one of our characters can hang off comfortably, we will have to think about her being upside down for a long period of time and make sure that it's alright for her and she can maintain the same positions without her eyes flickering. I think that this shot will be effective also because there is a similar shot to this in the opening of scream, in which the blonde character is hanging from a tree, the shot is filmed from a distance away so you can see that she is suspended from the tree by her neck. To make this shot a bit different for ourselves we are going to do several shots, ones from close up and some from further away, which I think will give a good range of shots used within our film.

Shot 12
This shot is after the vicious one of the girl suspended from the tree, it is a text shot as it shows the release date. there is a part of the Lords Prayer in this as well, it says 'Forever and ever Amen.' there is then a scream after this which I think will add more to shot giving it more depth.

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