Monday 29 November 2010

Possible Locations for our Film

All of these pictures are taken from the woods at the bottom of the School field.

I thought this was quite picturesque because the river in the middle of the shot gives it that little bit more of a spooky feel, as in a shot in the dark we could have some water trickling through the river and perhaps our helpless victim turns round suddenly to see if there is anyone there.

This is a drain in the middle of the woods, however it could be portrayed as a grave or a hiding place for the killer, this could be where I come out from or where Alana tries to hide when she is running away from the Killer?

This is a shot from outside of the woods, it is quite dark there even during the day so I expect it will be very dark when we film there, as we will be filming in the evening.

This is a tree we could possibly use for the ending of our film, in which there is a shot of Alana barely breathing, and she is hanging upside down from the tree, so we need to find a tree which will support her weight and support someone else in the tree who is holding Alana in place. We also need to find a tree in which Alana can easily hang from and be comfortable.

I think that this is a creepy entrance to a Woods as everything is overhanging and it is quite deciduous and has lots of different colours.

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