Thursday 14 October 2010

Analysing Teaser Trailers

Today in media we analysed two horror movie trailers. These were the two Nightmare on Elm Street trailers, one for the 1984 film and the newer one which was made in 2008 and released in 2009.
For each Trailer we wrote notes on each section, these were the following: Genre, Narrative, Representation, Audience & Media Language.

For the 2009 trailer I put this into those categories
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Narrative: 'If you fall asleep you die' Freddie wants revenge?
Representation: Freddie; Bad guy, hat, claws & he is always in the dark and his face is never seen in the trailer.
Audience: Adults, people who are 18+
Media Language: In both the films there are scenes featuring: Girls in white skipping (the white could has connotations of purity and innocence. Someone saying 'Don't fall asleep'. A girl levitating off a bed & the bath scene.

Below is the trailer for the 2009 Nightmare on Elm Street

For the 1984 trailer I put this into the categories
Genre: Horror
Narrative: Girl has to save the day
Audience: 18+
Representation: Freddie is bald and burnt?
Media Language: Same as before

Below is the trailer for the 1984 Nightmare on Elm Street film.

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