Monday 4 October 2010

Analysing Blair Witch Project

I think that this trailer is very different to others because it only has one clip of footage from the film, I think it is quite effective however as it doesnt give much away from the film itself which would intregue the audience to go and see it. So in that aspect it follows the conventions of a teaser trailer.
The producers of this film have done a good job in not giving away lots about the film. There is a shot at the beginning in which there is text about how some students went into the woods to investigate the blair witch, however they don't seem to come out of the woods ever and their footage is found. I havn't seen the Blair Witch Project so I dont know what it is about entirely but I have a brief idea. I dont understand, however in the next 15 seconds or so why it is black, I think it is effective however as then again it doesnt give any of the film away.

The mise en scene of this is minimal as you only see one clip from the film and you can only see her face, however the lighting is

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